Traditional Henna Pattern for Sonya

henna pattern henna design traditionalMany thanks to Sonya for ordering a traditional henna pattern. This design is one of many from the little henna pattern books imported from India.

Mixing a very fluid paste helps make this kind of fine line henna tattoo possible. I used a henna cone made of florist wrap, not quite mylar... but a shear & flexible cellophane type material. I cut just a bit off the tip of the cone, and the began the pattern at the wrist.

I used the 2009 Jamila henna powder, so it was easy to make a very fine paste. As well, this year's crop is extra wonderful in that it is very gummy all on it's own. The addition of henna tea made with fenugreek seeds also helps to create a cohesive paste that flows smoothly onto the skin.

The quality of your finished henna tattoo depends in part on how well you take care of your design.